When We Don’t Listen, the Consequences Hurt..
But Herod both feared and stood in awe of John and kept him safely in custody, because he was convinced that he was a righteous and holy man. Every time Herod heard John speak, it disturbed his soul, but he was drawn to him and was intrigued by his words. Mark 6:20
John’s words disturbed Herod’s soul. But in spite of the words disturbing his soul, his spirit was drawn and intrigued by the same words. What an example of the prevenient, drawing love of God, that His Truth pulls and touches the spirit of man even if he chooses not to believe. This is an example of the love of God being that “Hound of Heaven”… ever touching, ever pleading, never stopping, never giving up. May I constantly be aware of this working of the Spirit. May I never give up in sharing the Word of God. May I never believe that the shared Word of God will not have an impact on those who hear it.
But, unlike Herod, who rejects following the Spirit of God, may those who hear the Word, surrender and follow the Word. May we who hear the Word, let our spirits be transformed by Him. May we know the Power of His Spirit living within us, guiding us, teaching us, and making us anew day by day, month by month, year after year. This is my prayer.
On the day of the feast, his step-daughter, the daughter of Herodias, came to honor the king with a beautiful dance, and she flattered him. Her dancing greatly pleased the king and his guests, so he said to the girl, “You can ask me for anything you want and I will give it to you!” And he repeated it in front of everyone, with a vow to complete his promise to her: “Anything you desire and it will be yours! I’ll even share my kingdom with you!”
She immediately left the room and said to her mother, “What should I ask for?” Her mother answered, “The head of John the Baptizer on a platter!” So she hurried back to the king and made her request: “I want you to bring me the head of John the Baptizer on a platter—and I want it right now!” Mark 6:22-25
Whereas, in verse 20, Herod was drawn to John the Baptist’s words because it touched his spirit, we can see in these subsequent verses that his soul and it’s lusts for pleasure, for human power, for people pleasing prevailed and he surrendered to the power of his soul’s desires by having John slain.
O Lord, how often do I follow the desires of my soul as opposed to the desires of God’s spirit communing with my spirit? How often do I follow the pleasures of seeking physical comfort without even spending time to listen for the Spirit? How often do I respond just to please people before taking, even a few seconds, to listen to what the Spirit has to say? How often do I follow the dictates of my job without listening to what the Spirit of God has to say on the subject before me? How often does my “soul” spirit win as opposed to the Spirit of God?
What a conflict within these two aspects of my life produces — the conflict between my soul and God’s Spirit touching my spirit… My Your Spirit win and have the upper hand more and more each day, I pray.
Deeply grieved, the king regretted his promise to her, but since he had made his vow in front of all his honored guests, he couldn’t deny her request. So without delay the king ordered an executioner to bring John’s head, and he went and beheaded John in prison. Mark 6: 26-27
How often have I regretted my decisions retrospectively, just like Herod did in making a promise which ultimately went against his conscience and better judgment. O, the consequences of following our soul’s desires as opposed to listening to God’s Spirit and following His guidance. In following our human wisdom. We get ourselves entwined in our actions. “There is a way which seems right unto man, but the ways thereof are the ways of death”, says the Scriptures. This verse does not only apply to definite, recognized sins, but to us “doing it our way” in the every day things of life because we listen to our human wisdom, not God’s Spirit and His Wisdom.
I am always amazed at how often God’s guidance does not make sense at the time, but the subsequent results are so much richer than I could have ever imagined. Just the other day, I phoned to make an appointment with my chiropractor. He was on holidays but a therapeutic masseur was available. Now, I have found some masseurs non-therapeutic for me in the past, but I felt God’s nudging me to forget my own personal past/wisdom and make an appointment. I did. The conversation during the massage was one hour of God-time as we shared about soul work and how this gentleman was learning to abolish the power of past experiences with his father and school yard bullies. How he was now finding the freedom to express the lonely, scared inner person he truly was. I shared some of my experiences of the work of the Spirit in my life as well. It was a time God had prepared for us both to share. Who would have known other than God. Listening to the Spirit may not make human sense based on our past experiences but it makes great sense from an eternity perspective. O may I listen more often for these leadings. They are rich and sweet.