Different Perspectives
(RSV) But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25
My quiet time today was without meditation upon a verse or two, but on the larger picture of how the gospel of Matthew and the gospel of John cover the Passion Week differently. Matthew shares mostly parables Jesus gave to the Jewish leaders and the crowds found in or around the Temple (Matthew chapters 21 - 25), whereas John shares mostly spiritual truths given to his disciples and close followers during intimate times found on the road or in the evening during or after supper (John chapters 12 - 17). It is not that one account is accurate and the other is not, but they come from different perspectives and conversations held with different audiences. They are so complementary, it hurts.
Matthew shares parables like: Who is obedient, the son who says ‘no’ but does what is asked or the son who says ‘yes’ but does not do it? How will disobedience be rewarded? Who will be considered friends of the Kingdom of Heaven, those invited but do not come because of excuses, or those who come even though they are not considered “desirable”? Should we obey our rulers and how? What will heaven be like? What will the end of the age be like? What will happen to Israel? Warnings to be faithful, patient, and ready. What should we do while waiting for Jesus’ return?
John shares spiritual insights like: What is God’s glory like and how will Jesus participate in it? God’s gift of Jesus is not to give judgment but grace. Be a servant and do what a servant would do - wash other’s feet. Guard your heart. Don’t be troubled. Don’t worry. Follow me as I follow the Father. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Accept God’s love and peace. Abide in Me. You will experience sorrow and joy, acceptance and rejection but just be faithful.
In broad strokes, Matthew deals with questions of the mind which plague our behaviour and our worldview, whereas John deals with questions of the heart which plague our spirit and our inner being. They complement each other. They treat the whole person. They give a more complete picture of Jesus and His teachings. I am always amazed at how the different books of the Bible jive together and complete the revelation of God. God is so good.