Lift Up Jesus
John 12:30-32 (KJV Strong’s) Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes. 31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
I am going to be majoring on verse 32 for my talk with you today. The words, “Lift up Jesus” seem to be the most poignant.
Without Jesus, the cross, and His power, life is dead. It becomes only a religion with rules and regulations which in and of themselves do not give life. We busy ourselves with many things in life – family, career, hobbies, sports, business, politics – but, in the end, we are still dead inside. Justin Trudeau keeps stating he leads by the rule of the law…. Well, unfortunately, it does not give life to Canadians. When religion/life only acknowledges rites and regulations, without the preaching of Jesus Christ crucified and risen, it is meaningless and nothing more than “an opiate for the people”. Only acknowledgement of Christ as Saviour, Ruler, and King gives life.
The majority of Canadians state they find nothing in religion and either develop their own through Scriptures and prayer, or reject anything to do with religion and spirituality. Why? Is it because they do not see Christ lifted up? Is it because present day churches do not lift up Christ but just follow their traditions, rites, and regulations? Is it because Christ is not exalted in our everyday society? I am afraid it is all of the above and more.
The above verse, verse 32, has been living with me over the past few weeks. It checks me. It asks me the question, “Do I lift up Christ in my life, in my words, in my attitudes?” Or do I just live the precepts of God, live by the rules, follow the standards expected of Christians? It is a question that should plague all of us. There is a modern-day praise song which asked forgiveness of our worship because it is no longer “all about you, Jesus”.When true worship should be nothing other than Jesus.
This verse has more than one level of meaning and the more I study it, the richer it becomes. It can be understood at the level of description which the writer John uses when he has to explain in the subsequent verse that Jesus was referring to his physical death on the cross, but it also has a level of meaning which implies exaltation of His Name – “lifting Him up”. I want to explore these meanings by sharing the meaning of the Greek words used in this verse. The words, “And I,” are really one word in Greek – “kago” – which means “I also” or “in like manner I” or “this selfsame I”. This word is composed of two words “kai” and “ego”. We use the word “ego” in English to be indicate the real “self” or the will of a person. It is that part of me which gives me a sense of self-esteem or personal identify. Could we re-write the verse we are considering in the following way? “And I, if my ego is lifted up…”? Christ gave up His ego as he indicated during his prayers in Gethsemane when He asked, “Let this cup pass from Me, but nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done.” Or as John says it in the is chapter, “Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name.”
Jesus is our example. We are to lift up our egos and nail it to the cross, just as our Master, Jesus did. I have cared for a patient whose self (ego) is so strong he cannot accept care by nursing, physician, friends, or family. It is manifest by pretending to be weak, too sick to do anything on their own, isolating themselves in bed and refusing to get up, even to go to the bathroom. You may say that this person loathes themselves by what they tell you. They also say there is no more meaning or purpose in life. One is lead to believe they have no “ego” left, when in fact, they have so much “ego”, they cannot see the needs of another, they cannot see the love given by others, they cannot appreciate others…. The result is self-loathing, isolation, depression, insomnia, anxiety, anger, frustration, …. Consequential physical illness. I have never seen such a bad case as this one over 44 years in medicine. The result of NOT lifting up their “ego” and crucifying it is no life at all. We need to lift up our “ego” just as Jesus lifted up His “ego” to the glory of His Father…. We do not mortify our selves, or kill our “ego” by our own doing, but we “lift it up” so that Father God can be glorified.Self-mortification is religion of our own doing. Self actualization is Western society’s religion of pride and arrogance. But self surrender is freely giving up myself to Someone who is higher than I, who can work in me that which I cannot do by myself.
That in and of itself is sufficient message, but I want to carry on with the following words of this verse – “lifted up”. John explains what Jesus meant was – He was to die by crucifixion. I do not think we fully grasp the deplorable, despicable, degenerate, degrading nature of the cross in Jesus’ culture. It was something so degrading people had to turn away from it. It was like the look of “death” or the worst horror scene you can remember. My wife and I encountered an accident this summer involving two cars hitting head on. We arrived within minutes of this happening. One driver’s body was contorted with death and the other driver’s body was shiny pale with death only a few more minutes away. This scene still brings nausea and fear when recalled to our memories…. That is what the crucifixion was to Jesus’ society. But the Greek word used in this verse for “lifted up” also means “to elevate” or “to exalt” or “to raise to the very summit of opulence and prosperity” or “to raise to dignity, honour, and happiness”. It blows my mind when I think about this. That which is most despicable and deplorable (the Cross) is transformed into that which is most precious and exalted!!Jesus has turned earth’s understandings on it’s head!! Only God could do that. That is what Jesus has done. He takes my shame and my guilt. He takes that which is most deplorable within me and makes it dignified, honourable, and joyful. When people say they could not have someone wash them or wipe their bum, or be ridiculed in public, they say it is undignified.Jesus says, give me that which you think is undignified and I will give it dignity.Death with dignity is a catch word in our society….. by which they mean, do not let me get weak, look old and wrinkled, become confused and forgetful….. then Jesus asks that we give Him this “indignity” so He can honour it, make it new, and give it joy, meaning, and purpose.
But there is another meaning to this phrase which bothers my soul and I touched on it at the beginning of my talk. Do I live, talk, walk Jesus or do I live, talk, walk my religion? When I am going about my daily activities, do I invite Jesus to come along with me, do I talk to Him and about Him to others throughout my day, do I praise Him in the act of brushing my teeth, driving my car, eating my meal, sharing with friends and family? Is it Jesus or it is my religious beliefs? Fortunately for Christians, they complement each other, but if I just share my beliefs, walk my beliefs, it is not life-giving. Only sharing Jesus, walking Jesus gives life…. So do I invite Jesus into my activities of life or do I just invite the beliefs I have gleaned from learning about Christianity? It is a challenge which confronts me daily. My learnings throughout life, my knowledge and experience in medicine are insufficient to give health to many people, it just controls disease but does not give health… Only Jesus can do that. I am so inadequate in it… And I feel so inadequate in my ability to share and live Christ’s life for them, it hurts. I wish that the living Christ would physically, by force draw all to Himself, but the Greek word for draw implies “to draw by inward power, lead, impel” not so much “to drag off”. This is the inward power of the Holy Spirit working with our spirit. I cry for my Canadians who no longer heed to the pulling of the Holy Spirit. They have felt the nudges of God’s Spirit as they listen and walk in Canada, but they busy themselves with many different interests so they do not have to listen to what their heart is saying…. And the longer they do this, the less able they are to hear His Voice and respond…. The result is they become less and less alive, more and more depressed, more and more self-focused, and less and less real…. They hide behind many masks. O Lord, send Your Spirit in a might way so that humanity will be drawn to You.
But for those who do crucify their “ego” and are drawn to glorify the Father, the fulness of life comes and we become further drawn into Christ and we become full so we lift up Christsome more, only to be further drawn into Life/Christ and we become full so we lift up Christ some more, only to be further drawn into Christ, and the walk becomes deeper and sweeter.
Christ and Christ alone becomes our theme… and our mission is to share Christ and Christ alone with creation and others.