Purpose of Proverbs
Proverbs states what we intuitively know to be true.
The first few chapters of this book give us definitions and examples of what the purpose of the whole set of books we call the Bible is.
We need to read this set of books regularly, or we lose sight of God, the reason for the Bible.
The “Center for Bible Engagement”, the research branch of the organization, Our Daily Bread, has shown that those who read the Bible four or more times/week are more likely to grow in their faith whereas those who read their Bible less than that/week tend to follow the norms of their society.
In other words, if you want to be a follower of Christ as opposed to a cultural Christian, you must be engaged a minimum of 4x/week in the Bible.
This engagement can be reading, listening, and meditating.
You cannot rely on the weekly sermon, or your quick prayer asking for help.
You must be engaged with the Scriptures.
That is what the first few chapters of Proverbs encourages.
What does the first chapter say?
That men may know wisdom and instruction, understand words of insight, Proverbs 1:2
Understand words of insight, not words of knowledge....
Our education system knows how to impart knowledge but insight can be in short supply. What is the difference between knowledge, wisdom, and insight?
Christoper Reiss sums it up quite well on Quora
“Knowledge is measuring that a desert path is 12.4 miles long.
“Wisdom is packing enough water for the hike.
“Insight is building a lemonade stand at mile 6.
Knowledge speaks of rote memory, taking it literally without questioning the motives or spirit in which it is given. Or without questioning the assumptions that are unspoken.
It is superficial.
It does not touch the inner being.
Wisdom speaks of the ability to discern that which is true, and that which is real from all the knowledge being shared. We need to question that which we hear on a daily basis.
And by what standard do we question it? By that which has stood the test of time and that which fits with how we were created.
Where can this be found? In the Scriptures.
Hence we must engage in the Scriptures regularly or we lose the ability to discern. This is where the study from the Center for Bible Engagement helps us. It gives us guidance on how often we should engage so we can get rid of the garbage society throws at us daily.
Insight speaks of understanding matters of motives or that which comes from the heart, why we do what we do from a spiritual perspective, knowing what we know, and gaining the ability to apply it to other situations.
Insight is that revelation which goes beyond logic and encompasses all of you - physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, life’s experiences, circumstances, etc.
receive instruction in wise dealing, righteousness, justice, and equity; Proverbs 1:3
The instruction given in Proverbs is in four areas:
Business or wise dealings.
Religion or righteousness.
Legal system or justice.
Governance or equity.
If this is true, then why do our present day structures no longer use this book as their foundation?
Probably because they do not want the success which comes from wisdom or fearing God. They just want the success of gaining money and power on their own terms, their own ego driven by their fallen nature.
It is interesting reading recent books on leadership in business and governance. They all point to values as outlined in the Scriptures as being foundational to success.
In fact, one organization has named itself “Lead Like Jesus”.
Because the wisdom and insights from Biblical truths work. They are based on reality, how we were created, and how God planned us to operate and live.
that prudence may be given to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth— Proverbs 1:4
These Proverbs are addressed to the “simple”, youth, wise man/woman, and the woman/man of understanding. We will deal with the first two categories of humanity in this verse.
These Proverbs provide words of caution to those can be easily led astray. That is what is referred to as the simple.
They provide words of caution to the youth. It is not that they lack intellectual capacity. It is because they lack inner awareness and spiritual insight from lack of life experience.
And by spiritual, I mean awareness of the true reality of our world, our human nature, and the powers and principalities which govern it. Hopefully, the wise man or woman is already aware of these things.
-the wise man also may hear and increase in learning, and the man of understanding acquire skill, to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles. Proverbs 1:5-6
These sayings are not just for the simple and young, but also for those who are wise and discerning.
Why for them also?
Because we can all learn more,
We tend to forget,
And sometimes we can discern something by our gut but we lack the words to understand it.
Or, the wisdom we receive through life is faulty and needs correction from others
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7
Bottom Line is…
The reverence or awe of the Lord is the starting point for attaining knowledge and understanding.
Unfortunately, academia today considers this starting point as not objective and has replaced their historic foundation with their own knowledge and worldview.
Endless knowledge with more books being written every day than we have ever seen before.
The Apostle Paul told Timothy and tells us to “Avoid the godless chatter and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge, for by professing it some have missed the mark as regards the faith.”
I have just finished re-reading CS Lewis’ short book entitled
where he points out the falsities of our present educational underpinnings.
Where, consciously or unconsciously, our writers and teachers rely on the intellect or instincts as the basis forgetting the need to guide students toward determining values.
The result, he says, is a man with a head (intellect) and a stomach (instinct), but no chest....
But fools despise such things as wisdom and spiritual things or correction and discipline.