Against God and God alone….
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in thy sight, Psalms 51:4
Against God, and God only, have I sinned..... So often people come back at you saying they are a good person & done nothing against anyone. Both of these objects (yourself & others) is not what the essence of sin is about. Sin is enmity with God found in such statements as, “It’s my choice.”,”I am master of my own fate.”, “I don’t believe in a god who interferes/intervenes in my life.”, “I’ll do it my way.”, .... The whole foundation of autonomy has become “I” centred whereas under the supremacy of God for worldview, autonomy meant other humans did not control me, only God did.
O God, I am so immersed in this individualistic worldview, I don’t even know when I am rebelling against You. Help me.