Such confusion and division

(NIV) Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.

Genesis 11:4-8

Have you ever wondered how the Lord confused the language of those gathered together to build the Tower of Babel?

Did He confuse them in one day, one week, a month, over a year or two?

Did He make up totally different words, or did He just re-adjust them a little?

Upon looking at the history of cultures in the Middle East, it seems that languages have a common root, just spelt differently, pronounced differently, and carried different nuances to fit their culture.

It would be like what we heard from our African friends while we worked in Africa.

They would say about someone coming from a different area and language group, “I can hear them but I cannot speak with them.”

I suppose it could be something like the changes in our present day English...

  • The word “net” has a much different connotation today with the internet than it did just one generation ago.

  • The word “awesome” has a different usage today than it did just 10 years ago.

  • The word “gay” has a different meaning altogether.

  • The meaning of the word “sodomy” is gone altogether.

  • The word “inclusive” is being used differently today.

  • The word “equity” is used differently.

  • The word “diversity” has a different contextual meaning than it did.

  • Adverbs today do not have the ending “ly”.

When we hear someone speak, there are many times when we “hear the words” but we are not too sure of their meaning because the person speaking comes from a different perspective and worldview.

  • Or uses the word with a different meaning than you do.

  • One example would be the word “love”. I am not too sure many Canadians understand the full meaning of God’s definition of love. Today’s definition of love is dependent on feelings.

The result of language confusion during the Scripture period was that the project of building the tower was abandoned.

God did not destroy it, but the Scripture says, “..they left off building the tower.”

Confusion in language and the worldview each word conveys ultimately leads to anarchy.

Canadian values promote “tolerance” which implies acceptance which implies including different worldviews which implies confusion in meaning.... the result, the project of building Canada as a unified nation will be abandoned.

Any empire dependent upon man’s wisdom will be destroyed from within, not from any enemy without.

And the people of the earth were scattered abroad because of it.

  • Now, is being scattered abroad a bad thing or a good thing?

  • If the people think they can build society on their own, by their own, combined strength and ideas, then being scattered abroad is a good thing.

  • If they people look to the Transcendent One as being their foundation and guide, then being scattered abroad is not only unnecessary, it is a bad thing.

Canada slides into the belief that we can build our society on our own strength and, hence, build our own utopia . We will soon “be scattered abroad” figuratively speaking if we continue in this vein.

We are already seeing it as our nation is more divided than it has ever been... and we blame the politicians for this.

Maybe it is not the politicians fault but our own spiritual worship - God or self?? Which one is it?


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