Test the spirit

1 John 3:24 - 4:1 (NIV) The one who keeps God's commands lives in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us.

1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

I have received the following written prayer used by the United Church of Canada and it troubles me. When I read it, I do not sense the comforting peace of God’s Presence but the distressing turmoil of the enemy of our souls masquerading as an angel of light. Scriptures does warn us that Satan comes to us, not with forked tongue, beady eyes, and a pointed spear, but as a beautiful angel encompassed in light. So, how can we discern the difference? By the Spirit of God dwelling in us. Here are some points which disturb me:

1) It is the promoter of physician killing who wrote it. The Scriptures are very explicit in stating you shall not kill. Giving the power to kill to the government or a physician who is meant to restore life, gives them control over your life, not you.

2) In my experience, those who select physician killing do not want anyone to pray for them, but they will accept the reading of Scripture. If this prayer is accepted by one wanting MAiD, then this speaks to what spirit the prayer is being said in. If the person praying has the Spirit of God in them, then the sufferer does not want to hear it. If the person praying is saying it without the Spirit of God, then it is just a ritual and accepted. That begs the question, “In whose spirit is this prayer being prayed?” In the Spirit of God or the spirit of our Adversary?

3) In this prayer, there is an element of asking forgiveness. Why ask for forgiveness if you sense down deep it is wrong but still do it? It’s like saying, “I’m going to molest someone but I’m going to pray before I do it.” This is the cheap grace that Dietrich Bonhoeffer talked about. God’s grace came at a cost. Don’t cheapen it.

4) In this prayer, there is an element of lack of trust. It is as though they cannot trust God to be present with them in the lonely hours or to help them overcome the fear of future sufferings. This begs the question, “Do they know God?” “Do they want to know God, but only so much and not complete control of my life?”

5) Fear is the predominating driver of the petitioner’s prayer. The Scriptures are replete with admonitions to “Fear not…”. One young lady I know kept reminding her seriously sick child that she could be anxious about things but to not fear. The person praying this prayer has let fear control their life. The author of fear is Satan. This person has not experienced the peace that Christ can bring as He states, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives, give I unto you…. There is a peace which the world cannot give and the world cannot take away….” Those quoting this prayer may have gone to church, but the church has never shown them the true peace of Christ, just the judgmental fear of an impersonal “god”.

6) When this prayer states that MAiD is consistent with the love and compassion of Jesus, I would have to disagree. Their “Jesus” is a mushy, ethereal personae without substance or truth. The word “compassion” means walking along side. Well, if the petitioner cannot trust God to “walk along side them” during their hours of loneliness or future suffering, then they really don’t know love or compassion very well, do they? I feel those who penned this prayer do not fully comprehend the words they use. Instead they are twisting the words to their ends. The whole debate around euthanasia has been fraught with the re-defining of words. The Hemlock Society of years past changed it’s name to Compassion and Choice because they were not getting much business and needed to improve their public relations. They used the word “compassion” when they really meant “pity”.

7) When this prayer states they are fearful their family will be troubled with their decision to do MAiD, I then wonder why they are doing it? Do they care about their loved ones enough to endure the fears and feelings around death?

8) When this prayer states they are terrified of dying in pain and being helpless, I think of the studies done in Oregon where anywhere from 1/3 - 2/3 of people who are prescribed the lethal pills never that them. Why? Because their fears do not become reality and so they do not need them. Unfortunately in Canada, the petitioners make an appointment with a physician who administers the lethal dose and so the decision of when to take one’s life is no longer in their control. How many people cancel an appointment with a physician? Not many. So last minute changes of mind to die are only available in theory, not reality. They have surrendered their lives into the hands of a physician as opposed to the hands of God.

9) The last statement of Christ’s love casting out fear is lovely but it makes me think of Satan quoting Scripture to tempt Christ when He was in the wilderness. Christ’s response was, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” Who is in charge here, you, the petitioner, or God, the Creator and Lord of your life?

It is a lovely written prayer which speaks of kindness, forgiveness, and caring. It draws you in and can provide human feelings of comfort. But when further examined, the “dis-ease” in your spirit when reading it can be shown to be destructive to one’s soul. God help us. The human feelings of comfort are just that, “human” not of God.

Here is the prayer entitled, “Prayer in the Midst of Fear”:

As euthanasia (MAiD) becomes prevalent in Canada and available to an expanded list of people living with physical or mental illness, the United Church of Canada has approved the following pro-euthanasia prayer written by cleric David Sparks and Sheila Noyes, former co-president of the euthanasia lobby group, Dying with Dignity Canada:

Prayer in the Midst of Fear

I am afraid. I feel fear penetrating my mind and my heart. I feel fear in my gut.

I am afraid to die. I do not know what lies beyond the barrier of death. I am afraid to release myself to the great unknown.

I am heartbroken and afraid to leave my family. I am still needed!

I have let go of hope for healing, and I hold on to hope for the next life.

I am afraid that my family and loved ones, children and grandchildren will be troubled when I tell them I plan to die using medical aid in dying (MAID).

(Prayerfully speak of other fears)

But, in the midst of my fear, I have hope that my family and loved ones, children and grandchildren will understand the choice to end my suffering.

I hope they will be proud of my decision and will understand that MAID is consistent with the love and compassion of Jesus. I have such peace in knowing this is my choice. My family loves me but they cannot feel my suffering, they cannot comprehend my helplessness.

I have hope and assurances that my death will be gentle. I am grateful that I can make this choice, for I am terrified of dying in pain and being helpless.

This choice to determine when I have had enough gives me peace even in the midst of the fear.

I feel that fear throws up a barrier between you and me, Loving God, a barrier so hard to penetrate, and I want that barrier down.

Come to me, Compassionate God, come to me as fear weighs me down and gets in the way of the joy and peace I want to feel and share around. Come to me and embrace me with your Eternal Love.

In the deepest part of me, I believe it will be your love that casts out fear for this waiting time and for my final journey through death.

I pray in the name of the suffering Jesus. Amen

People should always have compassion for those who are living with physical or mental illness, but the United Church is praying for and approving the act of killing.

The United Church of Canada should be affirming the inherent value of life. Instead, they are choosing to affirm feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and despair.

On March 9, 2022, Churchill Park United Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba hosted the euthanasia death of an 86-year-old woman in the sanctuary of the church.

Senior officials within the United Church of Canada need to disavow the killing of their members and affirm their lives by responding to them with love and hope.

Please sign this petition telling the Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator of The United Church of Canada, that you disapprove of their pro-euthanasia “prayer” and that they must cut ties with pro-euthanasia lobbying group Dying with Dignity Canada and disavow their support for killing people living with physical or mental illness.

More information:

United Church of Canada approves euthanasia prayer (EPC): alexschadenberg.blogspot.com/2023/02/united-church-of-canada-approves.html

Winnipeg Church hosts (MAiD) euthanasia death (EPC): alexschadenberg.blogspot.com/2022/04/winnipeg-church-hosts-maid-euthanasia.html

Declaration of Hope Canada: declarationofhope.ca/

United Church of Canada Prayers: Death and Dying: united-church.ca/worship-theme/death-and-dying


Test the Spirit (revisited)


The Soil of Life